Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

South Tower of Paine 2001

The South Tower of Paine (the highest at c.2,500m) has not yet received an ascent by a British climber, and its East Face has never been climbed at all, so with pitifully short memories of what Patagonian weather can be like, this duo headed back. Avalanche danger precluded an attempt on the South Tower, and five weeks of heavy snow and strong winds prevented them from progressing very high on the Central Tower, which soon reminded them about Patagonian weather. However, with their time rapidly running out, in their final four days they managed to climb a new 800m 19-pitch direct route up immaculate orange granite to the c.1,850m summit of Cerro Mascara (aka The Mummer) from the Bader Valley. They called the route For a Few Dollars More, and graded it ED E3 6a A3.

December 2000 - January 2001
Mike 'Twid' Turner with Louise Thomas

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