Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Sheffield Vilcanota 1996

From a previous visit to the N side of the Colque Cruz Range (between Cuzco and Titicaca), members of this team identified several peaks whose south faces awaited first ascents from an as yet unvisited valley. They made the first ascent of Pata Anata, 5,400m, and then turned their attention to higher peaks. They climbed high on several, but aborted short of their summits because of crevasses and other objective dangers. They reached 5,400m on Horrorhorn (5,852m), 5,500m on Cayangate I (6,110m), and 6,085m on Nevada Chumpe (6,106m).

July - August 1996
Simon Cooke with Phil Bent, Dr James Hall, Gordon Midgeley and Nick Wallis

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