Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Revelations Range

The objectives of this team were the first ascents of the West Face of the Titanic and the North Face of Jezebel in the Revelations Range, which is at the South Western edge of the Alaska Range. They flew into the Northeast Fork of the Big River Glacier by ski plane, and established a base camp. The North Face of Jezebel looked unsafe due to snow conditions. On 21st April they set out for the West Face of the Titanic, and climbed unroped for 1,700ft to the headwall where they roped up. There followed 2,200ft of technical climbing of up to M6 and 5.8, and they reached the summit 16.5 hours after leaving base camp. They descended by traversing the summit ridge to the North, and then descending the East Face. After a two day rest they set out to explore another cirque to the South of their base camp, but while skiing back Graham took a 40ft crevasse fall. He managed to extract himself, but had damaged his knee, which ended their climbing, and they were flown back out to Seattle. Graham had ruptured a ligament, but after surgery and physiotherapy expects to be back in 2015.

April 2014
Graham Zimmerman and Clint Helander

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