Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Scottish Peruvian Andes Expedition 1976

This was a four man lightweight expedition to the Huayanay Group of the Cordillera Vilcabamba of southern Peru. This relatively unexplored cluster of mainly virgin peaks lies to the South of the Rio Urubamba and some 20km east of Salcantay. The expedition hoped to climb as many of the mountains of the Huayanay Group as possible and, if possible, to make the first British ascent of Padre Eterno by a new route. 

Despite facing numerous setbacks in the form of political unrest, robbery, and unsettled weather, the expedition succeeded in making the first British ascent of an outlying rock peak, the first ascent of an outlying snow peak, and three first ascents in the Huayanay Group itself, including the highest peak of the range.

June - August 1976
Jim Wilson, Graham Willoughby, Roy Lindsay and Mick Papworth