Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Patagonia Winter 2000 Crazy Gringos

This team hoped to make several first winter ascents, particularly of Torre Egger, c.2,850m, probably via a new route on its E Face. However, once in the field, deep snow made them realise that more man-power would be required if they were to succeed, so they attempted a repeat of the Compressor Route instead. Bad weather on this forced a retreat from the Col of Patience. Attempts on the Parkin Route on Aguja Mermoz, 2,732m, and the French Couloir on Cerro Pollone, 2,579m, were also abandoned owing to bad weather but, undeterred, these optimistic gringos still feel that winter is a good season for climbing in Patagonia.

July - August 2000
Andy Kirkpatrick with Richard Cross

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