Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Sheffield Patagonia

A party of three led by Tom Ripley attempting routes on Aguga CAT and Aguja Bifida. After unsuccessful attempts on the California Route and the Afanassieff ridge on Fitzroy, they repeated the Comesana-Fonrouge route on Aguja Guillaumet, and the Austrian route on Aguja de la S. Ripley and Matt Burdekin then addressed a new line on the E Face of Aguja Bifida. The line was between two existing routes, the Bonapace-Dunser and Cogan. The route follows a huge slab, mostly climbed at S/VS, and leading in 13 pitches to a junction with Cogan, where they bivouacked. The next day, in good weather, they continued upwards to join the S Ridge, and followed this to the summit of Aguja Bifida Sur. The descent was by abseil down the ascent route.

December 2015 - January 2016
Tom Ripley, Matt Burdekin and Polly Harmer

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