Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Joint Services Expedition to Borup Fjord, Ellesmere Island

This large mixed Services party aimed to carry out a wide-ranging biological survey of the Borup Fjord area. Groups investigated the arctic char, snow buntings, waders, entomology, vascular flora and did some geological and archaeological research, as well as climbing in the Blue and Krieger Mountains, in particular Mts Leith and Schuchert.

May - August 1988
Captain J Brade, Mr R Burton, Sub-Liutenant B Crawford, Captain R Dow, Captain J Free, Flight Lieutenant K Hankinson, Captain D Hargreaves, Mr T Henderson, Squadron Leader J Knights, Flight Lieutenant I Meiklejohn, Lieutenant H Parker, Flight Lieutenant R Smith, Flight Lieutenant S Sunderland, Ms G Sweeney, Corporal D Walker, Doctor P Whitfield, Squadron Leader S Young

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