Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Joint Services Elephant Island 1976/77

This British Services expedition carried out a geographical survey of Elephant Island, Clarence Island and King George Island over a period of several months. At the start of the expedition, a small party also took the opportunity to climb the highest peask on Clarence Island. During the course of the expedition a number of peaks were also climbed on Elephant Island, including what the expedition believed to be the island's highest, while glaciological research was carried out on the Flog Glacier.

Chris Brown, Andy Simkins, Tim Hallpike, Jem Baylis, Chris Furse, Nick Martin, Frank Mogford, Alan Milne, Mike Wimpenny, Dave Monteith, Len Hunt, Chris Hurrar, John Highton, Gordon Turnbull, John Chuter and Nigel Davies

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