Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Joint Services Chilean Patagonia 1972-73

Eleven members of the British Services and two Chilean Army Officers (who withdrew from the expedition after one month) explored the northern Patagonia ice-cap (Heilo Patagonia del Norte) carrying out a programme of scientific research in the fields of glaciology, botany, emtomology, geopmorphology, meteorology, physiology and ornithology. They also conducted a survey of the area. The team also made an attempt on Mount San Valentin (4058m) but had to abandon their attempt due to poor weather.

November 1972 - March 1973
Captain C H Agnew, Lieutenant C S Gobey, Lieutenant M P N Sessions, Surgeon Lieutenant A D L Hoppe, REA 2 (Air) N Francis, Captain T J Zorijack, Captain S M B Harron, Sergeant P D Breadmore, Sergeant J T Brewer, Corporal J W D Banks and Junior Tehnieian L W Skelson

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