Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Huautla/Cheve Cave Diving

Previous exploration of the submerged cave passages in the Santo Domingo canyon area of Central Mexico indicated the potential for a world record height difference between sink and resurgence. With this in mind, the team decided to utilise the latest technology in re-breathing equipment to eliminate the need for extensive cylinder re-filling and staging. Unfortunately, progress in the Cueva Cheve resurgence was stopped by boulders after 1.5km, and although dives in the Sistema Huautla resurgence found a continuation, progress was curtailed at an airbell after 300m when time ran out. Several members of the team exhibited symptoms of the fungal infection histoplasmosis, whose spores thrive in bird droppings in the soil.

February - April 2001
Jason Mallinson with Charles Brickley, Greg Home, Bev Shade, Rick Stanton and Bill Stone from UK and Soriano Antonio Jose and Gustavo Vela from Mexico

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