Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

China Caves 1985

This first Anglo-Chinese caving project was carried out in the lowland SE province of Guangxi and, more spectacularly, among the conical limestone hills of the Guizhou Plateau to the NW. Collaboration carefully established over the previous two years led, despite the contrast between the British sporting and scientific approach and the strictly utilitarian considerations of the Chinese, to a highly successful joint exploration of 30krn of passages (and their survey), in the largest area of 'tower karst' in the world. Chinese cavers were trained in river cave techniques; an attractive colour booklet has been produced; and invitations have been extended for further British expeditions to both provinces in 1987.

October - December 1985
Andy Eavis, Tony Waltham, Colin Boothroyd, Dave Brook, Martyn Farr, Tim Fogg, Julian Griffiths, Peter Smart, Tony White and Dick Willis from the UK with Prof. Yuan Daoxian, Chen Jian, Hu Mengyu, Chen Yang, Fan Luzhou, Fang Fengbao, Han Xingrui, Huan Jifu, Jie Xianyi, Li Bing, Wang Tin, Zhu Yuanfeng, Prof. Zhang Ying-jun, Zhang Dian, Xiong Kangning and Prof. Yang Mingde.

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