Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British Speleological Expedition to North Vietnam

This nine-member caving team explored the 'classic' river cave of Phong Nha (Teeth of the Wind'), and surveyed and photographed 18km of other caves in various karst areas of N Vietnam, particularly Quang Binh Province. Despite political difficulties, this was a successful speleological reconnaissance in unknown country.

March - April 1990
Howard Limbert, Debbie Limbert, Robert North, Richard Ellis, Tim Allen, Andy Quin, John Palmer, Dany Bradshaw and Bob Cork with assistance from Dr Trinh Van Long, Nguyen Xuan Truong, Phan Duy Nga, Dr sc Phan Truong Thi, Dr Dang Trung Thuan and Le Chi Vy from Vietnam

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