Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British South Georgia 2005

After sailing 1,300km from Port Stanley to land at Larsen Harbour on Novak's yacht Pelagic, this team skied up the Philippi, and eventually onto the southern Spenceley Harmer glacier, to start a very committing 17-day south-north traverse of South Georgia. En route they tried to climb the north ridge of Mt Baume (1,912m) but were repulsed by bad weather some 400m from the summit. However, they were successful in making the first ascent of Pk S680 (1,727m) to its north-west, before completing their traverse at Royal Bay, where they were reunited with Pelagic.

January - February 2005
Julian Freeman-Attwood with Rich Haworth, Crag Jones and Skip Novak

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