Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British Kajaqiao 2005

Although located in an area of Tibet officially closed to foreigners, in 2004 Fowler received a permit for an attempt on Kajaqiao (6,447m) in the Nyainqentanghla East Range. However it was 'the wrong sort of permit' and was withdrawn at a late stage. Fortunately a new (correct) permit was issued for 2005, and the team took full advantage of it. Despite very cold conditions (-15°C at BC) and 1.5m of snow falling while they were on the mountain, Fowler and Watts were successful in making the first ascent of the peak via its W face and NW ridge at a grade of Scottish V. They took six days to climb and three days to descend. Meanwhile, Amos and Thomas concentrated on the area to the south of Kajaqiao and reached a height of 5,880m on the NW ridge of Manamcho (6,240m).

October - November 2005
Mick Fowler with Phil Amos, Adam Thomas and Chris Watts

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