Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British Army Axel Heiberg 1972

This Army Adventurous Training Exercise aimed to climb virgin peaks in the Princess Margaret Range and to carry out a simple scientific programme on behalf of British universities and a wildlife survey on behalf of the Canadian Wildlife Service. The party made many first ascents and were able to complete both a botanical survey and observations of local wildlife. Tragically, Scaife was killed when he and Lewis were pulled into a crevasse by a stray pulk. Lewis was recovered alive by his companions and returned to base camp.

June - August 1972
Major A. J Muston RAOC, Surg Lt Cdr P N Dilly RNR, Capt M T King RAOC, Lt J W Chuter REME, Lt P R West RA, Lt F S MacKenzie R Signals, Lt D A Malcolm RA, Lt R J Ebdon R Signals, Sgt K Scaife, Cpl B R Lane, Lcpl M Lane and Sapper D F J Lewis

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