Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British Apolobamba

After acclimatising in the Condori range this team moved to the Cordillera Apolobamba on the northern tip of the Bolivian Andes,where they hoped to make first ascents of peaks over 5000m. In particular, they hoped to climb a peak which they had named ‘Rock Peak’ but were unsuccessful on this due to the conditions – in particular the lack of snow which they had anticipated would enable them to climb a section of rubble. In fact, they decided that ‘Rubble Peak’ would be a more appropriate name for it. However, they did manage other climbs, including a 5255m rocky peak named ‘Cherro’) and a rocky ridge ‘Wompa Ridge’ (PD+) to a point just below the summit of Cherro. The team made a successful traverse of Canisaya (5706m) climbing up the NW Face and descending the WNW Ridge.

July - August 2009
Kris Hill with Adrian Dye, Matt Griffin & Simon Wyatt

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