Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Bristol University Rio Paute Headwaters Expedition

This mixed team (6 British, 5 Ecuadorean), working in co-ordination with the East Anglian Ecuador Cloud Forest Expedition (see 92/6), set out to study aspects of the cloud forest and aquatic ecosystems of the Pulpito valley, headwaters of the Rio Paute in Southern Ecuador, camping at 2,300m-2,400m. Projects included fog drip, fish ecology, amphibians, plant fungi and macro- invertebrates.

July-August 1991
Charlotte Cameron-Beaumont with Paula Cordera, Richard Duckworth, Simon Hay, Rebecca Knight, Toby Maitland, Carol Mahon, Aida Ortiz, Jonathan Roberts, Eduardo Toral, Veronica Toral and Edwin Zarate

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