Applications should be submitted through the online application form (see link below).
Expeditions seeking support should apply by 31st January for expeditions taking place after mid-April of that current year, and by the 30th September for those expeditions taking place after 1st December the same year and before the end of the following year. These dates are strictly observed.
All applicants for MEF expedition grants must read our current Application Guidelines and Environmental Guidelines.
To apply for expedition support:
STEP 1. Download the Application Guidelines and Environmental Guidelines
STEP 2. Download the Application Form
STEP 3. The application form is downloaded in Word format. Fill in the application form on your computer, and submit it to the MEF Hon Secretary by the dates specified in the Guidelines as an attachment to an E-mail. Don’t forget to give your expedition a unique name.
STEP 4. Send copies of the completed application form to each of the Referees named under Para 8 on the application form.
Referees should be advised that, after reading the Application, they should download and complete the Referee Proforma.
STEP 5. Having completed the proforma, referees should submit this to the MEF Hon Secretary as an attachment to an E-mail. The email address is given at the bottom of the proforma.
Please also read our Privacy Policy which details how we use your data.